Dull, weird and slightly disturbing thoughts…

Archive for November 14, 2011

Just because…

…I really love this picture!!!


Dreams, nails and hair…

Every now and then I get brave and I ask Paul what he’s thinking about.  As readers of his blog will know, the answers can range from “I was just thinking about painting monkeys – not in a watercolour, but using a roller..do you think purple or yellow monkeys would look best?” to “I think it’d be cool to have an army of blue ducks…”  Now that’s bad enough, but it’s even more disturbing when he comes out with weird shit while he’s asleep!!

The other night (it was curry night so he was a little on the drunk side) he settled down to sleep and all was well.  Middle of the night I get woken up to the sounds of him singing!! Well, I use the term “singing” in its broadest sense!  The words were “flibbady dibbady dooooo, flibbady dibbady doooooooooooo, flibbady dibbady dooooooooooooooooooooooo…”  When I asked “babe, what are you doing?” the response was just a rather worrying “heh heh” and he settled back down to sleep again… 😯

Got my nails done again on Friday.  Last time I got them done I had flowers on my thumbs and ring fingers.  Paul said they were very nice but thought it would be much better if I had the Spurs logo on them.  Well, I try to keep him happy so…

Oh!  He had a hair growing out of his shoulder just at the base of his neck the other day.  I couldn’t resist, so I pulled it out!  It was nearly 3 inches long!!!! How come I never noticed it when it was still only an inch or so?  Did it grow that long overnight??????  I’ll be keeping an eye on that now…

 EDIT: As Arie really doesn’t like body hair, I thought I’d go with the cute monkey instead!! It’s kinda cute like Paul too!! 🙂