Dull, weird and slightly disturbing thoughts…

Posts tagged ‘turtleface’

Give me strength…

He’s even got the youngest at it now…

It’s no wonder she loves him so much!

Man or Turtle? You decide…

Is it me or is Paul morphing into a turtle???

Man or Turtle???

I know I’ve mentioned a few times that Paul farts occasionally, but I never realised how much different food and drink can affect him! He used to have vegetables once (maybe twice) a week, but now he eats them a lot more regularly and his body must be getting used to them coz the farts still happen, but they don’t stink the house out so much. BUT – add a few pints of beer and you’re starting to get back to a lethal concoction again! Add red wine and you’ve got a mixture that the Military could use in chemical warfare!  I don’t even want to think about what it was like after he ate some blue cheese… 😯

Bought myself an iPad 2 with birthday money – such a cool gadget!!  One tiny problem though…tried to update my blog on it the other day but it wouldn’t show the text as I was typing it.  If only I knew someone who was a bit ‘geeky’ that could help with that…   😐

Well, that’s about it really.  Nothing amusing has happened lately (at least nothing that I can put on here without Paul killing me! 😉  )